06 December 2022

How does time do that?

I'm not sure if you noticed, but it is December. Almost a week into December, in fact. If time is not linear, can I circle back and have a redo on some parts of it??? It's been a busy few months, to be sure. I have been up and down to the Seattle area quite a few times since the wee one was born. I've also been busy with house and yard stuff but those weren't interesting projects. I had to hire someone to prune 'the giant shrub' in the back yard. It's at least 20 feet tall and way beyond my reach, same with the giant rhododendron in the front. As my mom used to say, 'If it grows at all here, it'll grow like a champ.' 

 Did I tell you that my best neighbors moved? Broke my poor heart to lose them. Donna had just reached her limit with the bs here in this country. She worked in the public school system and said, 'I don't want to teach active shooter drills to kindergarteners.' Can't blame her, really. The gun epidemic is frightening. So, they moved back to Canada. Not to Edmonton, where the husband was from and where they lived before. Now they live in Kelowna. I'm happy for them that they are loving it, but I miss them terribly and my life has gotten a lot smaller without the frequent social interaction. I had their little charmer of a dog for nearly four months while they were house hunting. He was great company. But, alas, they came back and picked him up and stole him away from me. I am without a pet for the first time in my life. Feels strange, to be honest. The upside is that I don't have to have a pet sitter when I go out of town. Not sure it's a great trade off though. 

 I completed another NaNoWriMo in November. Wrote a mystery this time. It's not great, but I've tried before and struggled with the plotting. It's not always Colonel Mustard in the Library with the Candlestick! I got to the finish line though, which pleased me. I did, however, leave my characters stranded at the end. Perhaps I'll go back and give them the decent conclusion that they deserve. 

 Debra, She Who Seeks, and the 8th Day Planner have reminded me that I could put the seasonal decorations up. I need to haul the ladder out to the front porch and sort out the sparkle lights - some strings are dead and new ones are needed. Maybe even put up the tree and decoration... if I feel so moved. Sometimes it doesn't feel worth the bother. 

Here are some pics of the giant shrub. It's a mock orange - Philadelphus lewisii.
Before and After. Donna for scale. Lol. 

The youngster is doing well. She's on the small side (except for her head!) but seems to be meeting developmental milestones. She is a cheerful baby and makes us all so happy. Not that she doesn't have her moments, I mean, she's human after all. But, she is amazing and her parents (and the whole family) are all smitten. Here is a current picture of the little darling. Love!