02 May 2018

Spring all over

Hello Women!  And anyone else reading along...

Wow, I am so bad at blogging!  It's a wonder I continue at all.  But, here I am, throwing out another message in a bottle.  I've got to keep being me, I guess.

Here's a fun thing: I'm going to Chicago to meet some friends, other women that I have met through reading their blogs.  Fun!  I'm really excited about it and looking forward to some new experiences.  I haven't been to Chicago before, I've only changed planes at O'Hare and that doesn't count. 

I'll offer a quick summary of the goings on around here.

  • Rancher friend came for a visit.  We did a lot of shopping for ranch-related needs -- gear, mostly, and a lot of boots for various people.  I need to remind her to keep her receipts for taxes.
  • The former partner had a bit of an episode with me.  I felt uneasy enough to have the locks changed.  
  • T, the former partner, in an amazing turnaround, has subsequently gotten well over me.  She is on a couple of those singles web sites and actually enjoying herself.  She's not dating yet.  She is pretty firm on just finding a new group of friends.  It seems to be working!  
  • I've had my two best pals and my daughter here for a 'gals birthday'.  Three of us have birthdays within a week of each other so April is a frequent visiting month.  This time it was my turn to host.
  • I'm pretty certain that my friend, Sara, will be a good house/catsitter.  Fingers crossed.

So, that's the quick and dirty rundown.  One friend is still here.  We're getting ready to head over to Costco so I need to get my socks and shoes on.  

Cheers, friends!


Middle Girl said...

Chicago huh? I hear it is a pretty decent burg. :-)

Happy belated birthday!

Glad T is getting in a groove, her own groove.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Have fun in Chicago! Sorry to hear about the "ex episode" but it's a good thing that T is moving on. There's lots of fish in the sea, as they say.

8thday said...

What a coincidence, I'm going to Chicago to meet some friends as well!

Hope to hear all about it.

kj said...

Hello e, i’ve some catching up to do how your happenings and blog. Happy to be here.

I don’t know how you feel about the ex out and about, but from my experience it sounds like a good thing

Secret Agent Woman said...

I'm glad your ex has decided to move on! Several years ago I dated someone for a year who found my blog right after I broke up with him. In addition to sending me anguished emails and song lyrics, he started stalking my blog, leaving comments from a blog he created called "The Rejected." Good times.

e said...

kj: Welcome! I love your avatar! I'll have some catching up to do, too. Also, keep your expectations low around here - I'm a lousy blogger. Lol. Re: the Ex. I'm delighted that she's getting out and about. Relieved.

SAW: That's when it turns scary. I hope it never escalated from there.