- Tuesday, had dinner with a friend (pizza and champagne), and watched 'The Queen's Garden' or something like that, which she had recorded from PBS. Interesting!
- Wednesday, had my usual get together with my dad. My brother was there and asked about T. When I said that she was in Hawaii with her sister he said, 'So, your vacation too!' Uhhh, yeah. True.
- Thursday, my neighbor texted me and asked if I could come over when I got home from work. Her husband's father had died (not unexpectedly) and her son's recent marriage is on shaky ground and she didn't want to be alone with her thoughts. Of course I went over.
- Friday, home alone! I think I was in bed and reading by 8:45. Lights out shortly thereafter.
- Saturday evening, went to a birthday party. Saw a number of friends all in one place, and then went home early. It was pleasant enough, but I really just wanted to be at home.
It was a busier week than I had anticipated, but not in a bad way. I got a few minor projects done that I wanted to address, but nothing major. My next biggish project will be converting an old wood storage closet on the basement landing into a kitchen tool storage closet. You know, all those space eating countertop appliances that are just too big to put anywhere. Well, we don't use firewood in the house, and this closet is deep and can be converted to hold several shelves. All of the large, awkward, bulky stuff (crock pots, canning pots, food processor, etc) will then be stored just a few steps away. Maybe I'll get that done this summer.
Meanwhile, I have had a very restful week, despite all of the social activity, and feel good. Centered and calm. This week has been a good reminder of how valuable solitude is to me. I will keep this reminder close to me going forward.
And, just because I mentioned Spring last time, Hello Violets! I had one tiny patch of violets burst into bloom this week. Love them! Still waiting for daffodils, etc, but they are coming... Sprng is Coming!